Islander Day


Islander Day, also known as Family Day, is a holiday in several provinces of Canada. It is celebrated every year in February. The dates vary from one year to another. In 2015, 16th February was Islander Day. In 2016, it is 15th February. In its nascent years, there was a difference in approach to determining the exact day. Some provinces celebrated Family Day on the second Monday of February while some chose the third Monday of February. Presently, it is almost always the third Monday. In 2017, Islander Day will be celebrated on 20th February and in 2018 it would be on 19th February.


Despite the standard approach that has now been accepted in many provinces to pick the date, there are differences and certain provinces like British Columbia and Yukon don’t just have different dates but also different names for the celebration. Islander Day is not just known as Family Day but also as Yukon Heritage Day and Nova Scotia Heritage Day. Family Day, which is celebrated on the third Monday of February every year, including in Alberta, Ontario, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan and Prince Edward Island but excluding British Columbia, is the date when the United States celebrates Presidents’ Day. It should be noted that neither of the two days, second or third Mondays in February, are celebrated as Family Day or Islander Day or by any other name in the provinces of Quebec, Newfoundland, New Brunswick and Labrador among some other territories.


Islander Day is not a federal holiday in Canada. It is a provincial holiday, similar to what is called a state holiday in the United States. Federal employees and those living and working in Quebec, Newfoundland, New Brunswick and Labrador would have a normal work day on both the second and third Mondays in February.